Thursday, November 25, 2010
hey guys , i havent been here like usual , so of course ive missed myblog :( later i will tell ya what happened in my life dari happy sad cry dissapointed mad hopeless morelaah :)
Monday, September 27, 2010
to celebrate my best friend's bday , so last sunday , we decided to go to Arik's villa on pecatu , manik's bday was on saaturday , but karna pada bnyk yg gabisa ya diundur hari minggu ;) kita udah siapin semua , yg paling to tweet manik dikasih bunga mawar putih ma merah sam pacarnya ladis , jadi iri deh haha
so , jam 12an kita udah nyampee , foto fotolaah :p teyu kita cemplungin maniknya ke kolaam trus abis tu kita nyalain kue *walaupun mati ketiup angin trus -__- sambil nyanyiin lgu happy bdaay , manik looked so happy i think ♥ & apesnya lagi , aku ikut dicemplungin T.T padahal maunya gak renang yauda jadinya renang -,- hihihi pokoknya kita have fun banget disanaa , unforgetable memoriess :* oyaaa abis tu dri villa , kita nyempetin k dreamland
Prosedur penggunaan komputer dengan benar, yaitu sebagai berikut :
1. gunakan penstabil tegangan (stabilizer) untuk mengurangi akibat buruk dari tegangan listrik yang turun naik.
2. tata letak pemasangan kabel harus diperhatikan agar tidak semrawut
3. untuk menyalakan komputer, tekan tombol ON.
4. apabila anda menggunakan sistem operasi windows, masukkan username beserta password-nya. Akhiri dengan menekan tombol enter atau klik OK. Password ibarat kunci. Jika anda kehilangan kunci rumah, anda tidak akan dapat masuk ke dalam rumah. Demikian juga dengan password. Jika anda lupa password komputer anda, anda tidak akan dapat menggunakannya.
Jika kunci dapat dibuat duplikatnya, tidak demikian dengan password. Meskipun demikian, orang yang iseng mengutak-atik komputer, dapat dengan mudah menduga suatu password. Oleh karena itu, pemilihan password harus memperhatikan hal-hal berikut :
a. gunakan kombinasi huruf besar, huruf kecil, karakter, dan numerik.
b. Jangan memakai password tanggal lahir, tempat lahir, nama teman dekat, nama saudara anda karena nama-nama tersebut mudah sekali diduga oleh orang yang akan membongkar password komputer anda.
c. Sebaiknya, password tidak sama untuk semua dokumen atau keperluan lainnya.
d. Ubah password secara berkala dan jangan menyimpan salinan password di sembarang tempat
5. setelah berada di desktop, anda siap menggunakan program aplikasi perangkat lunak (software), misalnya : Ms Word, Ms Excel, atau permainan (games).
1. gunakan penstabil tegangan (stabilizer) untuk mengurangi akibat buruk dari tegangan listrik yang turun naik.
2. tata letak pemasangan kabel harus diperhatikan agar tidak semrawut
3. untuk menyalakan komputer, tekan tombol ON.
4. apabila anda menggunakan sistem operasi windows, masukkan username beserta password-nya. Akhiri dengan menekan tombol enter atau klik OK. Password ibarat kunci. Jika anda kehilangan kunci rumah, anda tidak akan dapat masuk ke dalam rumah. Demikian juga dengan password. Jika anda lupa password komputer anda, anda tidak akan dapat menggunakannya.
Jika kunci dapat dibuat duplikatnya, tidak demikian dengan password. Meskipun demikian, orang yang iseng mengutak-atik komputer, dapat dengan mudah menduga suatu password. Oleh karena itu, pemilihan password harus memperhatikan hal-hal berikut :
a. gunakan kombinasi huruf besar, huruf kecil, karakter, dan numerik.
b. Jangan memakai password tanggal lahir, tempat lahir, nama teman dekat, nama saudara anda karena nama-nama tersebut mudah sekali diduga oleh orang yang akan membongkar password komputer anda.
c. Sebaiknya, password tidak sama untuk semua dokumen atau keperluan lainnya.
d. Ubah password secara berkala dan jangan menyimpan salinan password di sembarang tempat
5. setelah berada di desktop, anda siap menggunakan program aplikasi perangkat lunak (software), misalnya : Ms Word, Ms Excel, atau permainan (games).
Saturday, September 18, 2010
House Of Raminten
hey epribadeeee :* sorri uda jarang posting , lagi sibuk hehe
so , mudik kemaren aku ke jogja , nah kalo kalian semua k jogja , harus dateng ni ke tempet ini , namanya House Of Raminten , kalo gak salah di jalan FM. Noto no. 7 , tempetnya sumpah bagus bangeeet *lebay , tempetnya itu unik , masih terasa khas jawanyaa ,di depannya aja ada beberapa kereta pusaka *menurutku sih delman haha , mau lesehan ato yg duduk , smuanya ada :D
tempet makan ini jual aneka ragam makanan , dari nasi kucing , bakso ,nasgor , ayam , frenchfries , dan lain lain , pokoknny banyaak deh
ada juga bebapa minuman yg disajikaan dalam mug yg unik hihi , harganya pun smua terjangkau , kira* satu itemnya itu di bawah 10 ribu , murah kan ? para pelayan di sini juga berpakain unik , yg laki mostly pake giwang di telinga , dan pake batik , kalo yg cewe , pake kemben dan pake batik juga dibawahnyaa , tapi pelayanan disni cukup lama bgt , jadi mesti sabar kalo peseneny belum dateng yaa , walaupun gitu gak akan nyesel deh dateng kesni , tempet ini unik bgt , suasana di raminten gak aku pernah rasakan di tempet lain , so sempetin dateng kesini yaa kalo ke jogja :D
Friday, September 10, 2010
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri :)
Heyyy you all :*
Selamat lebaraan yaaa ♥
Mohon maaf kalo ada salah kata , sikap , blognya jelek , postingnya lama , gk ngangkat telfon , gak bales sms dll maaf tulus dari hati yang terdalaaam :)
Selamat hari Raya Idul Fitri 1431 hijriah
Mohon maaf lahir & batin yaa ;)
♡ you alll
Selamat lebaraan yaaa ♥
Mohon maaf kalo ada salah kata , sikap , blognya jelek , postingnya lama , gk ngangkat telfon , gak bales sms dll maaf tulus dari hati yang terdalaaam :)
Selamat hari Raya Idul Fitri 1431 hijriah
Mohon maaf lahir & batin yaa ;)
♡ you alll
Sunday, August 15, 2010
fun saturday night ♥
hey everyonee , so last saturday night my friends and i decided to go for the movies at ss then buka puasaa abis itu k centro hehe , gara* datengnya agak ngaret & kebetulan filmnya rada rada jelek & gak terkenal so gajadilah kita nonton , kita jalan jalan aja disana & yg pasti aku ama temnku dhara ngiler ngliatin yg lain maem froyo , donat dll karna kita puasa -____- gak lupa kita berfoto foto haha
take a look guys :)
take a look guys :)

*dewi , me , dhara and arik :)

*dewi and me

*dewi , dedek , me and Dimas :D

we all are pretty , arent we ? :)

*arik , dhara , dewi and me

*dewi , dhara and manik

*me and dhara

*me , dewi, arik and dhara

*arik , dhara , me and dewi

*gung sur , me , dhara , dewi and arik

*gung arik besar & kecil haha lol , manik , arik , gung sur , dedek , dewi , me and dhara @the beach

*gung arik besar & kecil , manik , arik , dedek , dewi , me and dhara :D

*gung sur , dedek , dewi , arik , dhara and me
what a fun satnite !
friendship never end !
key thanks see youu :*
Selamat berpuasa :)
Saturday, August 7, 2010
poto poto poto
so last friday , exactly August 6th , 2010 , me and my friends decided to go to our beloved school SMP 3 Denpasar , kayak reuni gitu tapi gak terlalu banyak
pas uda mau pulang , tinggal ada aku , manik , dhara , dewi , gung gek , arik sama siapa lagi ya ? lupa
pas uda mau pulang , tinggal ada aku , manik , dhara , dewi , gung gek , arik sama siapa lagi ya ? lupa
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
broken ?

Maybe we often feel umm like doubt in love , its really confusingg , so this lately when i was close with someone and he havent tell me he loves me or maybee whateverlaah , it made me first HAPPY ? or CONFUSE ? naah or maybe we love when someone loves us , its really nice having that moment then we really missing him when he leave us for some suck reasons , honestly i really like when someone loves mee , ahahah gimana gitu rasanyaa , sms terus apalagi pas single, ada yg nemenin gitu haha tapi the REAL shit ketika orang itu ninggalin kita FOR HIS EX !! i mean , if the point hes gonna hook up with her EX , its really painful that i know him , jahat ya! coba aja kita gak pernah kenal pasti gak bakal kayak gini jadinyaa
ps : actually ini uda lama *ga lama jugaa sih* tapi kepengen aja sharing ama kalian :)
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Its inspired me so mucchhh , ahh thankyou JUSTIN ♥
Ohhhhh ohoooooo
For you i’d write a syphoney!
I’d tell the violin
It’s time to sink or swim
Watchn’ play for ya!
For you i’d be
But in a thousand miles just get you where you are
Step to the beat of my heart.I don’t need a whole lot
But for you I need I
I’d rather give you the world
Or we can share mine!
I know that I won’t be the first one given you all this attention
But Baby listen
I just need somebody to love
I don’t need too much
Just need Somebody to love.(just need sombody to love)
I don’t need nothing else,
I promise girl I swear.
I just need somebody to love.
(I need somebody I-I need somebody
I need somebody I-I need somebody)
Everyday I bring the sun around,
I sleep away the clouds.
Smile for me (Smile for me)
I would take,
Every second
,Every single time
spend it like my last dime.
Step to the beat of my heart.
I don’t need a whole lot
But for you I need I
I’d rather give you the world
Or we can share mine!
I know I won’t be the first one,
Given you all this attention.
Baby listen!
I just need somebody to love
I don’t need too much
Just need Somebody to love.(just need sombody to love)
I don’t need nothing else,
I promise girl I swear.
I just need somebody to love.
I need somebody,
I-I need somebody,
I need somebody,
I-I need somebody.(Somebody to loooove, somebody to looove.)
I just need somebody to love.
And you can have it all,
Anything you want.
I can bring you, give you,
The finer things yeah!
But what I really want,
I can’t find ’cause,
Money can’t find me
Somebody to love.
Find me somebody to love oohhh.
I need somebody to love,
I-I don’t need too much
Just somebody to love.
Somebody to love.
I don’t need nothing else,
I promise girl I swear,
I just need somebody to love.
I need somebody,
I-I need somebody,I need somebody,I-I need somebody.
somebody to love
I need somebody,I-I need somebody,I need somebody,
(I swear I just need somebody to love)
I-I need somebody.
Oh Oh.
I just need somebody to love
ps : see the video
the video , ima tell ya is really amazing ;D
Ohhhhh ohoooooo
For you i’d write a syphoney!
I’d tell the violin
It’s time to sink or swim
Watchn’ play for ya!
For you i’d be
But in a thousand miles just get you where you are
Step to the beat of my heart.I don’t need a whole lot
But for you I need I
I’d rather give you the world
Or we can share mine!
I know that I won’t be the first one given you all this attention
But Baby listen
I just need somebody to love
I don’t need too much
Just need Somebody to love.(just need sombody to love)
I don’t need nothing else,
I promise girl I swear.
I just need somebody to love.
(I need somebody I-I need somebody
I need somebody I-I need somebody)
Everyday I bring the sun around,
I sleep away the clouds.
Smile for me (Smile for me)
I would take,
Every second
,Every single time
spend it like my last dime.
Step to the beat of my heart.
I don’t need a whole lot
But for you I need I
I’d rather give you the world
Or we can share mine!
I know I won’t be the first one,
Given you all this attention.
Baby listen!
I just need somebody to love
I don’t need too much
Just need Somebody to love.(just need sombody to love)
I don’t need nothing else,
I promise girl I swear.
I just need somebody to love.
I need somebody,
I-I need somebody,
I need somebody,
I-I need somebody.(Somebody to loooove, somebody to looove.)
I just need somebody to love.
And you can have it all,
Anything you want.
I can bring you, give you,
The finer things yeah!
But what I really want,
I can’t find ’cause,
Money can’t find me
Somebody to love.
Find me somebody to love oohhh.
I need somebody to love,
I-I don’t need too much
Just somebody to love.
Somebody to love.
I don’t need nothing else,
I promise girl I swear,
I just need somebody to love.
I need somebody,
I-I need somebody,I need somebody,I-I need somebody.
somebody to love
I need somebody,I-I need somebody,I need somebody,
(I swear I just need somebody to love)
I-I need somebody.
Oh Oh.
I just need somebody to love
ps : see the video
the video , ima tell ya is really amazing ;D
Friday, July 23, 2010
umm .. my feeling maybe ?

ps :OMGash ! i have no idea what i just wrote , enjoy lol
kthx :)
kthx :)
a special trip ! ♥
Actually these .. um old photos but i just wanna to share it ;) i think it was exactly on June 19th , 2010 .. when we just graduated C class decided to take a trip , it was a day before the promnight ;D so most of all that joined the trip re a member of C class .. and my close friend Kiki asked me to join them , Biru , Arya , Bayu and me are the only A class that joined a really fun trip with them and also H class so you know ? its just need 1 bus BUT walaupun cuma dikit yg ikut we really enjoyed the moment a really good time .. kebersamaan yg hangat haha
the trip : Bali Zoo *sumpah kita cuma bentar disana lol --> Bedugul --> Tanah lot
it was really really good time , i just want to back at that time ;)
this is some photos from 143 photos lol
i took it from Gung Martin 's FB
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