Hellaaaaa last week, exactly on 22nd, it was mother's day. Have you said "happy mother's day" to your mom? :D you know "happy mother's day" words even that simply words could make your mom knows that you love her. So happy mother's day to all mom around the world ;)

Hmmm i feel bad i didn't give something to my mom because it was our holiday in Bandung. But the point is , i told her happy mother's day and i love her so much. Last year i gave her cupcakes and there was "happy mother's day" written on it, too bad i lost the picture ;( im sorry mom i couldn't make you proud right now but i promise i will. So here it my beautiful mom, my hero <3

Love your mother no matter what. Even she gives you that "speech" but actually its for your own. She gives you everything and she would do everything for you. To make you happy. She always there since you were a baby! so appreciate her! make her proud!
Love you mom.
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